Monday, March 12, 2007

Update regarding no updates!

I haven't posted in quite awhile. My life is in complete turmoil right now, and so that I don't make my blog nothing but negativity, I have decided not to post. I have some wonderful things to post, and will shortly. Thank you for all the comments that have been emailed. I appreciate your thoughts.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hopefully back to normal...

I have been pretty much out of it the last few months. Hopefully coming up soon, things will straighten out...and everything will go back to normal.

I have been working on a tote for my secret pal, and I am about half way done now...I will post pics soon.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas time is here....

Audrey was given her stocking last week...and Kelley loved it! Yeah!

I have been busy making hundreds of cookies for my Christmas Eve Party, and today will be no exceptions.

I am extremely behind on the holiday knitting though, so I have no idea what I am going to do about that...time will tell, I suppose. I then have to finish my shopping too...yikes...a week away...bring on my nervous breakdown.

My tree looks so pretty this year, I think. I have tried to take a picture at night, and it doesn't show off the tree as much as it did this here it is. What do you think?

Monday, December 04, 2006

Newest Items...KAL progress and Holiday Baking Officially Begins!

The KAL is going great...after 35ish rows, I finally figured it out. hehehe, I love these things. The pictures are not good, no matter how hard I try...I cannot get the pattern to come out. You can barely see it. When you click on the picture, you can see it a little more.

Well, to me, the Holiday isn't complete without making and baking lots of goodies for gifts for people I love. Today I started making some (I need to mail quite a, they have to be started early). These little guys are soooo simple, and cute if I must say so myslef. 3 Large marshmellows put onto a stick...dipped in white chocolate and decorated, snowman like.

Made myself a set of the wrist warmers I have been making. I made mine a little longer and also added more rows to the thumb...and did a normal bind off, not the picot bind off.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Another pair of mitts.

I made another pair of mitts from Knitty. I just love them. I am going to make a pair with my cashmere now for a gift for my mother...I am pretty sure I can do it now without being scared to death to ruin my $64 dollar a skein yarn....YIKES! WIsh me luck.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

DW Cloth

Isn't it pretty? I finished it this morning, waiting for the snow to start. The pattern can be found here:

Monday, November 27, 2006

Stocking dishcloth...isn't it adorable?

Look what I just finished. Isn't it cute? I pattern is from:

I love their patterns...and anxiously waiting for the new ones. ALI HURRY!!!!! Please!

Finished Wrist Warmers.

I I finished the Wrist warmers I started for a Christmas, white & warm...wink, wink...hehehe

The pattern is here:

I used Malabrigo and another funky 2 stranded yarn (that I have no idea what it is, it was in my stash without a label.

Don't you love my fuzzy hand pic? Yep...I am a wonderful photographer. :)

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